Who This Enquiry Is ForFor us to provide the best response to your inquiry please complete the following* This inquiry is for an existing business with current insurance This inquiry is for an existing business without insurance This inquiry is for a new business RURAL QUESTIONNAIREContact Name*Email*PhoneCurrent Insurer*Insured Name (Include all Entities and their Interest)*Inception Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Expiry Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Full Business Description (including all activities)*Farm Size and TurnoverTotal hectares / acresAnnual turnover: past 12 monthsFarm Situation (s)Localities List:Farm NameNumber/LotStreet/Road NameStatePostcodeSize (hectares) CLAIMS & HISTORY (Last 5 Years)Claims List:Date of claimType of loss or Damage (Eg. Fire, Water Damage etc)Amount ($) LOCATIONLocations List:Farm Building Description (Eg machine shed, hay shed, etc)Construction/DetailsYear BuiltSum Insured ($) Fencing Sum Insured ($)Hay or Grain Sum Insured ($)Cattle Sum Insured ($)Sheep Sum Insured ($)FARM CONTENTSMiscellaneous Farm Tools & Equipment Sum Insured($)Specified Items:Item NameSum Insured ($) FARM THEFTTheft of Farm Contents ($)FARM MACHINERY & ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWN Blanket Cover (Ex motors >15kw/20hp) Not Required $10K $20K $30K $40K $50K Deterioration of Stock - Sum Insured ($)Specified Machinery List:DescriptionSize (Kw/Hp)Sum Insured FARM LIABILITYLimit of Indemnity $5 Million $10 Million $20 Million Any formal contracts in place? Yes No Overnight Accommodation/B&B? Yes No Annual Turnover ($)Contract Harvesting? Yes No Annual Income ($)Attend Farmers Market? Yes No How often do you attend? Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Agistment? Yes No Annual Income ($)Other activities list:DescriptionAnnual Turnover ($) Landing Strips? Yes No How many landing strips?Are they used by Third Parties? Yes No Are they maintained in accordance with Civil Aviation guidelines CAAP 92-1(1)? Yes No Wages/Labour Hire & Contractors/Sub-Contractor Payments WagesPrevious 12 Months ($)Next 12 Months ($)Number of employeesPrevious 12 MonthsNext 12 MonthsLABOUR HIRELabour Hire List:Nature of WorkPrevious 12 Months ($ )Next 12 Months ($) CONTRACTORS / SUBCONTRACTORSContractors / Subcontractors List:Nature of WorkPrevious 12 Months ($ )Next 12 Months ($) MISCELLANEOUS FARM LIABILITYDo you conduct Aerial Spraying? Yes No Do you allow third parties to access any dams on your properties? Yes No Do you grow any GMO crops? Yes No Type of cropsDo you export/import directly any goods? Yes No Provide value & details of exports/imports & to and from which countries (including Annual Turnover)?FARM INTERRUPTIONLoss of Farm Income (Revenue) ($)Increased Costs of Working (including Agistment) ($)Indemnity PeriodFARM TRANSITCover: Fire, Flood, Collision or overturning of the conveying vehicle $5,000 $10,000 $20,000 $50,000 FARM VEHICLESSedans / Wagons / Utes < 2.5t List:MakeModelYearDescriptionSum Insured $RegoNCB Agricultural Equipment & Mobile Plant Vehicle List:YearTypeDescriptionSum Insured $Rego Trucks / Utes >2.5t Vehicle List:YearTypeMakeModelDescriptionSum Insured $RegoNCB FARMHOUSE BUILDING/CONTENTSAddressCity / TownStatePostcodeYear BuiltConstructionRe-wired in last 25 years Yes No Type of Occupancy (homestead, holiday home, etc)Unoccupied for how many days/months?Heritage Listed Yes No Building ($)Contents ($)Specified contents list:Description($) VALUABLES & PERSONAL EFFECTSValuables and personal effects list:Description($) CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.